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Bu sayfa, belirli bir ISIC Rev. 3 Kodu ile ilişkili olan HS/GTIP Kodlarını ve açıklamalarını hızlı ve kolay bir şekilde filtreleyebilmeniz için tasarlanmıştır. Kullanıcılar, arama alanına bir ISIC Rev. 3 Kodu girdiklerinde, bu koda karşılık gelen tüm HS/GTIP Kodlarını ve açıklamalarını liste halinde görüntüleyebilirler. Bu araç, özellikle ticaret ve endüstri ile ilgilenen profesyonellerin, ISIC Rev. 3 Kodlarını kullanarak doğru HS/GTIP Kodlarına ve açıklamalarına ulaşmasını kolaylaştırır.

ID Açıklama HS/GTIP Kodu ISIC Rev. 3 Kodu
5201 Other Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles, manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers 870790 3420
5202 Bumpers and parts thereof Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870810 3430
5203 Safety seat belts Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870821 3430
5204 Other Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870829 3430
5205 Mounted brake linings Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870831 3430
5206 Other Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870839 3430
5207 Gear boxes Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870840 3430
5208 Driveaxles with differential, whether or not provided with other transmission components Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870850 3430
5209 Nondriving axles and parts thereof Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870860 3430
5210 Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles and their engines 870870 3430

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